By BBC Music Magazine

Published: Monday, 10 October 2022 at 12:00 am

A peerless interpreter of Classical and Romantic repertoire, Imogen Cooper is an international soloist, a distinguished accompanist and a committed chamber musician. Her most recent public performance was as part of a Schubertiade at the London Piano Festival at Kings Place on 7 October. The evening of piano duets saw Imogen Cooper perform with Katya Apekisheva, Charles Owen and Dominic Degavino, all three of whom have been taught by her in the past.

Here, Imogen discusses the music that has shaped her.

‘At the age of three I was taken to Covent Garden to see Rigoletto, which was a slightly bloodthirsty choice for a three-year-old! I wasn’t scared but it did open dark rich vistas and above all there was this unbelievable music. One of the things I most remember was the aria ‘Caro nome’. I don’t know who sang it then (this was the early ’50s), but if I had to choose a recording I would go for Maria Callas. For some reason the Evening Standard [itals] photographer was there and there’s a photo in the family album of me with big round cheeks, wearing a polka-dot taffeta dress, standing smiling on the steps up to the Crush Bar.